My Passion

My Passion

Football, you must be ready to run and workout a lot. It is a very tough sport that involves a lot of hitting. You must be strong and able to catch the football. If you do not have good stamina, it’s probably not a good sport for you. When you play football, you must be physical, or you will get hurt.
Football is my passion because I like to hit the other team. When I get into the game, I realize I must give it my all because I can’t play it my whole life. I play football because it is very intense, and I am very passionate about the sport. I play my favorite position and I love football. Football also helps me relieve stress when I get to hit the other team. Thankfully my team is pretty good, so we don’t have that hard of practices. My favorite thing to do at practices is the nutcracker.
I have played football since I was six years old. The first two years I played I didn’t really have a position. Every year since my first two years I have played quarterback. I really like quarterback, but it takes responsibility and you must remember every single play. I like having the responsibility to play quarterback. Quarterback is way harder than everyone thinks. When you are passing you must see the whole field, or you are going to get tackled. I got tackled from behind twice and it’s not fun.
In conclusion football is y favorite sport because I like to hit. If I were only ably to play one sport it would be football.


  1. I can tell that one of the reasons you like football is because you get to hit! Your writing is getting better. I see several sentences that are complex. Good job and keep working.


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