My Passion
My Passion Football, you must be ready to run and workout a lot. It is a very tough sport that involves a lot of hitting. You must be strong and able to catch the football. If you do not have good stamina, it’s probably not a good sport for you. When you play football, you must be physical, or you will get hurt. Football is my passion because I like to hit the other team. When I get into the game, I realize I must give it my all because I can’t play it my whole life. I play football because it is very intense, and I am very passionate about the sport. I play my favorite position and I love football. Football also helps me relieve stress when I get to hit the other team. Thankfully my team is pretty good, so we don’t have that hard of practices. My favorite thing to do at practices is the nutcracker. I have played football since I was six years old. The first two years I played I didn’t really have a position. Every year since my first two years I have played quarterback. ...